‘Burn It Down’: Rioters Threaten to Light Portland Precinct on Fire, Damage Police Cruisers

by Jake Dima


A group of rioters in Portland threatened to burn down a law enforcement precinct, hurled projectiles at officers and damaged police cruisers on Wednesday, authorities said.

Roughly 50 violent demonstrators, some of whom donned gas masks and shields, chanted “burn it down” in reference to a law enforcement headquarters in the city, according to a press release. Members of the crowd destroyed surveillance cameras outside of the precinct, tried to rip down a fence and used spikes to slash the tires of cop vehicles, the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) wrote.

Rioters also hurled glass bottles and paint at responding officers, knocked down barricades, lit dumpster fires and tagged graffiti on both “public” and “private buildings,” according to the department. One video shows some in the group, most of whom were dressed in all black, fleeing from cops in riot gear, according to journalist Andy Ngo.

The “hours-long disruption” ended without the use of non-lethal munitions, and multiple arrests were made throughout the night, PPB wrote. The department has yet to disclose exactly how many were apprehended and what for, but footage shows at least one man, Sean Bascom, a self-proclaimed freelance videographer, being handcuffed by officers, according to Ngo.

Bascom appeared to confirm his arrest in a Wednesday tweet.

The violence follows an announcement from Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley on Tuesday that no law enforcement will be charged in the shooting that crippled Jacob Blake in August. Blake, who was left paralyzed after the Aug. 23 incident, was shot seven times in the back by Officer Rusten Sheskey after he appeared to disobey commands and attempted to enter the driver’s side door of a car where a knife was later found, the DA said.

Democratic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler earlier in the week vowed to ramp up tactics against “Antifa and anarchists” within his city, as the area continues to be plagued by months-long unrest.

“My good faith efforts at de-escalation have been met with ongoing violence and even scorn from radical Antifa and anarchists,” Wheeler said. “In response, it will be necessary to use additional tools and to push the limits of the tools we already have to bring the criminal destruction and violence to an end.”

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Jake Dima is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Portland Protests” by Andy Ngo.











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3 Thoughts to “‘Burn It Down’: Rioters Threaten to Light Portland Precinct on Fire, Damage Police Cruisers”

  1. Not A Fan Of Chew Toys

    They were allowed to do it. It’s that simple.

  2. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Sounds like Mayor Wheeler is learning a very expensive lesson about the futility of appeasement. We can only hope he retains this education long enough to actually do something to stop the riots in his city. Of course, he shouldn’t have had to learn this lesson, he should have already known it. Anyone with even the most rudimentary knowledge of history would know that appeasement never works…never has, never will.

  3. Condemnation from the dems in congress and the MSM in 4…3…2… Oh, wait. Wrong party involved.
